Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Taking a Really Big Bite

What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. -- Wayne Dyer

So I just took a really big bite, in the sense of biting off more than you can chew.  I registered for a local century ride, Cap2Cap, in May.  (This is the decision that I've been putting off, but being frugal mostly, I needed to decide before the prince bump.)  It will be a stretch, but I know I can do it within the time constraints.  And doing it will be a huge boost for me mentally.  Besides, it's not as hilly as the rides that I've been doing from home.  Well -- correction -- it has the same total ascent as some of the rides I do from home, but stretched over 100 miles rather than 20.

This idea of pushing myself is really powerful.  It makes me look at things differently - and not just with respect to my "athletic" endeavors.  (Some day I will fancy myself an athlete.)  I have a sense that there are many things I can accomplish if I put the effort and focus into what I'm doing.  This is important because I'm not very good at focus.  (Oooh.  Something shiny!  Where was I again?)  It also seems to have helped clarify what matters.  Rearranging my schedule and my life to balance family, work, and training has forced me to make some choices recently -- and I think I'm choosing well.

So what happens if the century is not a success?  Not really my game plan.  I have a long time (plenty even at pokey speed) to complete it in with support (and worse comes to worse, without support).  If it really ends up being the wrong day for me, I can loop back and make it a 50 mile ride.  But that's not what I want to do.  It's a safety valve, not an option.

And besides, the ride will give me a quality day with Baby, who will undoubtedly start getting jealous as I'll need to be getting used to the tri bike.  (Fitting scheduled for next Wednesday!  Yeah!)

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