Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Relaunch...The Blog is Back

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. -- T.S. Eliot

I've always loved this quote from T.S. Eliot. It's my senior quote in my high school yearbook. For some reason, the idea of returning full circle is appealing to me. And, so I am returning to my blog.

Back in February 2013, I started this blog (my first post!) as I began one of the scariest things I could for a half-iron triathlon. Since then, I've done a bunch of HIMs, trained for two IMs (one DNF and one DNS), and had about the unluckiest streak of fluke experiences one triathlete could dream of. Stress fracture. Hypothermia. Hurricane. Are you flippin' kidding me? And that string doesn't even include my latest adventure that I haven't blogged about...concussion-like symptoms brought on by a kick in the head during the swim at Raleigh 70.3...another DNF, another scary experience, another reason to question what I am doing.

Which brings me back to my blog. I started writing this because training for my first HIM raised a lot of questions for me...most involving the notion of "What the heck do you think you're doing?" or "Why do you think you can?" By writing this blog, I worked through these questions and convinced myself I could. And I did. But to be honest, after the string of crazy experiences over the last year and a half, I find these doubts creeping back in...and worse, they are popping up at the worst possible time -- right before I head into an HIM (Rev3 Williamsburg half) and the hardest training period for IM Louisville. Yep, I'm going back to finish the race that I DNF'd due to stress fracture. I will finish it this year. I have no doubt about that...well, sometimes I do. Maybe a lot. And so I am here, where I started from...and ready to continue (or maybe restart) the journey.

Tomorrow's post: Getting back to why...

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