Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

140.6 miles of gratitude...

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than you current situation. -- Brian Tracy

Heading into IM Louisville - I'm still not certain I will make the time cutoffs or finish, but I know that if I have any chance at all of doing so, I need to be in the right mental place.  And I've been figuring out over the last couple years that the best mindset comes from a place of happiness and gratitude.  So to foster that spirit of gratitude and get into the proper place for this weekend, I decided to write up 140.6 miles of gratitude.  Yeah, I know, a lot of people do this after the race, but I am grateful now - for all the people who got me here, for all the people I will keep in my thoughts during the race, and for all the people I know will love me and encourage me, no matter what Sunday brings.  This one's for you all:

SWIM 2.4 miles
0-2.4 Peluso Open Water
Yeah, it feels wrong to not thank IronSherpa first and foremost.  Don't worry, his is coming.  But I have to think that while I'm swimming, my gratitude will be squarely placed on POW.  Swimming has been a struggle for me and I could not make it to the start line without the coaching I've gotten from them over the last few years.  Seriously - it wasn't that long ago that I absolutely feared the open water and would do anything I could to avoid it.  Now - meh - still not my favorite but I'm not afraid.
BIKE 112 miles
2.4-5 IronSherpa
My husband, IronSherpa, is also racing at IM I guess he's not much of a sherpa after all, but he still should get the lion's share of the thanks.  He is my support system, my cheerleader, my partner in crime, and makes this possible by helping split all the other stuff, like making sure that Elder and Younger get to where they need to be, etc.  He has supported me since before I even started triathlons and now that he does them too, he is even better at it.
5-15 Elder Child
Elder Child is amazing.  She puts her all into everything she does, even when she doesn't want to do it.  There is no one who will outwork her, and I admire her for this.  She has been unreasonably supportive of this crazy triathlon stuff, because that's not even her sport.  She's awesome.
15-25 Younger Child
Younger Child is amazing in other ways.  No one will accuse her of working too hard, but what I admire about her is that she has an attitude of awesome.  (Of course, sometimes this rises to the level of delusion...but...)  She truly believes she can do whatever - she will be a professional triathlete and a pediatric oncologist and a fashionista.  There's no doubt in her mind.  She is also awesome.
25-35 Coach Kelly
When I started working with Kelly this winter, she asked me what I would consider to be a successful first season of us working together...and I said it would be me showing up healthy and trained to IMLOU.  Not finishing or meeting a certain time, because that's dependent on so many things out of her control and mine, but being there and ready to start.  And she has succeeded.  I'm feeling good (as much as I can) and I know that she has put me in a position to do my best this weekend.
35-45 B and her husband S (collectively BS?)
B was one of my first real tri friends and she and I attempted our first Ironman races the same year.  And neither of us finished and that's OK.  We've had some crazy ups and downs since then but no matter what, she's always been a fantastic encourager (and oftentimes NAG) - but whichever she is doing, it is usually what I needed.  She's been a great cheerleader & she's awesome.
B has a husband S - a year ago he couldn't swim and then he signed up for a HIM.   Anyway, S overcame that tiny obstacle of not being able to swim and finished his first HIM in some of the worst swimming conditions I've ever seen.  So he's awesome too.  And they both inspire me.
45-55 D
D is a more recent friend, but she is also a great source of encouragement and mental peace.  She has overcome mountains of obstacles and she just keeps trucking and that inspires me to keep on trucking, too.  Also, she's in my age group, so we've shared a couple hugs before swim starts which is pretty awesome.  (Plus she and I are already planning to kick some ass in 2017!)
55-65 Richmond Tri Club
For the longest time when I started triathlons, I was a loner.  My friends were on Beginner Triathlete (a different line item of thank yous) and although I met a few in real life, the real camaraderie was online.  But in the last few years, I've gotten involved in RTC and have found real life friends.  More important, I've found some real life sources of inspiration, information, and encouragement.
65-75 Family
Not IronSherpa and the children, but my extended family.  Most of them don't understand what the hell I'm doing, but they try to be supportive and mostly it's cute.  My dad even unexpectedly told me he may show up at Louisville, but then he got tickets to the Cubs playoff games.  I told him I'll probably do another IM but the Cubbies may never make it
75-85  Work Friends
More people who don't have the first clue what the hell I do, but they think I'm alternately crazy or a badass.  I'll take it.
85-95 L
Miss L, as my daughters call her, is a special lady.  She was racked near me for my very first triathlon and was amazingly kind.  She helped me set up my transition area and talked me off my ledge.  I've come to know L better in the last few years and this kindness, calm, and willingness to make people feel comfortable is just who she is, to her core.  She did her first IM last year, at Louisville, and rocked it.  I was so proud of her and I look forward to being an Ironman just likeher.
95-105 Nerd Candy
You may think I'm being disrespectful here - a long list of people I genuinely am thanking with all my heart - and then I throw in Nerd candy?  Seriously.  Nerd candy has saved my life - maybe not literally, but there is something about Nerd candy (or at least the sugar in it) that has brought me up from the depths of despair during long races.  I can assure you - Nerds will be with me this weekend and will get me through the tough times.
105-115 Former Students
I am a teacher, a good teacher (IMHO) - and I want what is best for my students, even after they graduate.  So it thrills me to see so many of them participating in triathlons themselves.  E and E are just starting the sport - even if one of them hates to swim, she's doing it.  J is going to be racing at Louisville too, and I'm super excited for her - she's got a good race in her and I hope she does amazing.  There are others too, but the initials thing is getting confusing.
RUN 26.2 miles
115-117 IronSherpa
It wouldn't do to thank IronSherpa only once.  When I make it to the run, he deserves another round of thanks.  I could not do anything I do, including triathlons, without his help and support and love.  Even if he is a tough critic sometimes, he wants the best for me.  LOVE!
117-119 Elder and Younger
And again, they deserve a lot more thanks than they get.  They have spent the late summer and early fall basically fending for themselves.  (They are tween/teenagers - I'm not leaving infants alone - but still, I imagine a little more mom would be appreciated.)
119-121 Drivers
Going back to people who don't understand anything about the crazy that is my triathlon life...the other folks that carpool with us.  They are amazing - Elder has been driven far more than we've been able to repay and these people make my life work.  I can't thank them enough.
121-123 Baby Sonic
My coach has a baby.  For the past few weeks, the baby has been instructing and encouraging me via text message.  (OK, they come from my coach - but the pictures of the baby along with the message have made for much enjoyment of the last minute coaching!)  I'm definitely grateful for baby texts - if nothing else, they provide much giggling.
123-125  Work/Travel Friends
There is a group of colleagues that I travel with frequently.  They like to eat and drink and carouse.  (So do I.)  But they also know that I'm training - and so they like to ask, the morning after, if I got my run in before breakfast.  Knowing that they are going to ask makes it a lot easier for me to put down the wine, go to bed, and get up and actually get my training in.  Plus I love to see the looks of amusement (or horror) on their faces when they (in a hungover state) realize I went for a short run that morning (also in a hungover state, occasionally).  They probably don't realize it, but they are good for me.
125-127 Beginner Triathlete
As I mentioned above, when I first started triathlons, I didn't know what the hell I was doing, so I went to BT and figured it out.  I spent a few years very engaged on BT and made triathlon friends there (including a couple I met in real life - shout out to J & J!).  Once I got more comfortable with triathlons, I got more involved with the local tri community - but it was good to have a safe space to figure out what I was doing when I was an utter newbie. (Yes, I did ask whether I was supposed to wear underwear under my trisuit.  Yes, they did laugh and tell me it was a bad idea.)
127-129 Samurai Cynthia, Judge J, and others
Another source of inspiration for me has been the people I know from other places in my life (from high school to previous workplaces) that are also triathletes.  I have loved reading about Judge J's first year of triathlon (go!) and I followed carefully as Samurai Cynthia did her first (and then second IM) - before she turned into some badass mountain biker.  Those two and others are awesome.
129-131 People who can't
One statement that sticks with me is that I do what some people can't.  There are a couple of people who can't that I carry in my heart.  My cousin's wife K who died of brain cancer.  My high school principal E who passed way too early from ALS.  A grade school friend's wife who died from epilepsy shortly after they were married.  Love to all the people who are left behind - I run with these people, who can't run anymore, in my heart.
131-133 Swim Friends
There are too many of you to name - in part because I keep changing lanes - but shoutout to my swim lane friends.  You have encouraged me all along the way - from J and N when I first started at Masters (thank you for not hating me and my total inability to figure things out) to M, S, A, and others that keep me moving currently.  Plus everyone in between.  You inspire me with your accomplishments and are always encouraging me.  Thank you.
133-135 Endorphin Fitness
I don't train with EF, but Younger Child does.  Not only are they helping her become a stronger triathlete, but I appreciate their philosophy of combining fun and hard work.  Also, the bike shop at EF has taken good care of my bike, and my husband's (especially when he crashed this fall) I am grateful for them.
The last 5 miles are on me.  I'm not really grateful for myself - that would be weird and awkward.  But I am proud of myself.  For buying a bike 10 years ago.  For learning how to swim as a grownup.  For failing often and getting back up.  For reaching farther than my short little tyrannosaurus rex arms should be able to reach.  For daring to dream.  For being realistic in my expectations but ambitious in my hopes.  For getting to the starting line.

I want to thank all of you (plus so many people that I couldn't remember or couldn't figure out how to talk about without embarrassing them or whatever).  You have made Sunday, no matter what the outcome, one of the best days of my life.

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