Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What's the Catch???

The dream was always running ahead of me.  To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.  -- Anais Nin

So a few random thoughts to catch things up...

*  The extensive use of the word "catch" is not a mere literary device...I have exciting news!  I finally, kinda sorta almost, figured out the catch in swimming!  :)  Yeah me.  Unfortunately it takes all of my concentration, requires me to go very slow, and hurts my forearms like nobody's business.  Dang.  But - I actually pushed myself through the water (rather than my normal oaf-like muscling through that I typically do)...and it improved my body position in the water, at least so said my Master's coach last night.  Now the trick is to remember it the next time I'm swimming and get proficient enough at it that it comes more naturally (and doesn't make my forearms ache).

*  On the bad news side, my love of Gatorade has caught up with is now making me sick when I use it on the run, so I need to experiment and try to find something else that works.  I will sadly miss my lime cucumber and citrus watermelon flavor fiestas.  :(

*  52 days to Louisville, 8 until Muncie.  Holey cow - time flies when you're training like a crazy person.

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