Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hey, Jealousy...

Sure, I can get a little bit jealous.  The good part about jealousy is that it comes from passion.  It's also the dangerous part and it's an ugly emotion that hurts. -- Matthew McConaughey

So yesterday was a huge 10K race in town - the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K...I've done it a few times but this year I didn't sign up for it because 1) I wasn't sure if I would be on mom duty and 2) I knew it was only a couple weeks after the marathon and I wasn't sure I would be able to actually run.  Well, since the marathon, I've actually done two 6-mile training runs, so I probably would have been able to do the 10K and our schedule worked out so I was free, but since I didn't know that until just a week ago, I didn't do the race.

Husband, on the other hand, did the race (and one daughter did the kids' mile before the 10K) so I got to spectate and what I realized is that it made me insanely jealous.  I wanted to do the race.  I wanted to cross the finish line.  I wanted to try and PR.  (I'm also a little jealous of just how fast my husband is - since he spent 35+ years pretending he wasn't a

I guess, if you can trust Matthew McConaughey, and that's a big if...jealousy isn't all bad, because it comes from passion - and I really do have passion for running.  I love to run.  Not saying I don't want to do triathlons, but I think if I had to someday choose between one or the other, I might say run.  Or maybe not, because I'm also rather passionate about the tri season I have planned for this year.  And I realize the silliness of being jealous of my hubby's speed, since his legs are twice as long as mine and he's a guy and all...

OK, I got the jealousy out of my system.  But it was a pretty good excuse to listen to the Gin Blossoms.

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