Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking. -- Earl Wilson

Yep.  I can no longer take what I've been taking.  It's been a helluva long "spring" - a million snow days, a lot of writing, more than enough stress about placing my article, calf cramps for the marathon.  Finally it's spring break and vacation is imminent - like T - 6 hours imminent.  Too bad I'm not packed yet - that's a stress all in its own.

And even more fun - guess what is also stressing me out?  TRAINING!  I freaked out completely last night - what happens if I come back from vacation and I've forgotten how to swim, or gained 15 pounds, or can't ride my bike up hills anymore (oh, wait - been there, doing that)...I don't want to spend vacation counting calories or on the treadmill, but I can't be a sloth for that long either -- not and expect to come back and ease right back into ye olde training schedule, right?  It didn't help that I ran into one of my swim coaches this morning who gave me a hard time for not making it to Masters this morning - although she let up when I explained I hadn't packed yet.  ;-)  When I get back, it's 6 weeks until Raleigh, less than 3 months until Muncie, and just over 4 months until IMLOU.  Yikes!  (Oh, and one week until my first triathlon...RTC Sprint.)

I'm hoping that once I'm actually on vacation, rather than anticipating vacation, I'll be able to put this stuff aside and enjoy myself until we're back.  And then get back with the program.  That's the plan.  And I'm medium-good at sticking to plans.

When you looked at me, I should have run
But I thought it was just for fun
I see, I was wrong
And I'm not so strong
I should have known all along that time would tell
A week without you
Thought I'd forget
Two weeks without you and I
Still haven't gotten over you yet
Vacation, all I ever wanted...
Vacation - had to get away

See you on the flipside.  Let's hope I still remember how to swim.

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