Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Habit Forming

Achieve success in any area of life by identifying the optimum strategies and repeating them until they become habits. -- Charles J. Givens

I'm stealing an idea that some of my friends on the magical Internets have started doing - create a list of goals and then create a daily checklist that includes actions/habits that will lead towards those goals.  As the seasons in my world are changing -- the seasons related to the Earth's rotation around the sun and the sports seasons (tri vs. running) -- as well as looking forward to a new "season" in my world -- an upcoming sabbatical, it seems like a good time to create a list of goals and a daily checklist.

Of course, to be good goals, they should be smart - or SMART, if you're one of those acronym-y type people.  :-)  Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; and Time-bound.  And then, if you're really cool, you set SMARTER goals...adding in Evaluating and Re-evaluating.  So here are a couple of SMART goals that I want to work towards:


  1. Weigh 145 pounds by December 31, 2013
    1. Specific - check; measurable - yep; attainable - yes (< 10 pounds over 3 months); relevant - I've talked about my weight issue before and why it matters; a set deadline.
    2. Can it be smarter?  Yes - I should evaluate where I am every week (weighing in) and re-evaluating if something unexpected comes up.
  2. Train for a sub-5:30 marathon, held on March 16, 2014
    1. Specific; measurable; attainable...I think so, depending on how this fall's half marathons go; relevant - it is starting to matter to me to have a concrete AND public goal for my gives me a target and it makes me accountable; time-bound - yep.
    2. I should probably evaluate weekly to see how well I'm following my training plan and evaluate based on that, as well as any unexpected issues that arise.
  3. Train for a sub-7:00 HIM, held on June 1, 2014
    1. Specific; measurable; attainable...not sure - this may be a "reach" goal, since it's a 21-minute PR - that being said, it's 9 months away AND I have made great strides even since the HIM I did (see fantastic swim last week!); relevant - hella yeah!; and definitely time-bound.
    2. Smarter?  See above - evaluate & reevaluate on training plans.
  4. Write at least 60 minutes, at least 4 days a week.  (See, I do things other than train...sometimes.)
    1. Specific - check; measurable - uh huh; attainable...well, it will be a challenge, no doubt - this is where a lot of my problems with productivity live - BUT having this goal should make me work towards making it a habit; relevant - yeah, I got me some deadlines I need to meet; and time-bound.
    2. Smarter?  Yep, actually this is one that I can evaluate and re-evaluate on a daily and weekly basis.  And when my sabbatical comes, I need to change this from 60 minutes to another, bigger number.  But I can't even guess what that number is right now.
So that's all good - yeah there are other things in my life that I'm working on - but let's stick with these public goals for now...what'cha think, TriMom?  How'ya gonna get there?  Now for the daily checklist:


  1. Read the above goals.  Remember why you are doing it.  (To achieve #s 1-4)
  2. Consider every meal as a chance to make a good decision.  Choose wisely.  (To achieve #s 1-3).
  3. Train daily (including rest days as required by plan).  (To achieve #s 2-3)
    1. Roll, stretch, etc. to be able to maintain training.
    2. Listen to my body.
    3. Switch up easy and hard days, swimming/biking/running days.
  4. Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night.  (To achieve #s 1-4)
  5. Write 60 minutes.  (To achieve # 4)
  6. Evaluate the day.  (To achieve #s 1-4)
    1. Have I hit my checklist?
    2. Are there things that are standing in the way?  Can I do anything to change them?
    3. Are there other items to add to my checklist that will help me achieve my goals?

Lather, rinse, repeat.  OK, I get that this seems a little bit rigid, but I have big goals and big plans - and these are going to take some big work on my part.  The only way to achieve success is to identify strategies to get me there and then make them habits.  Let's do this.  Next week - as soon as I get done with my latest travel junket and race - because travel = crappy eating and sleeping and racing = the obligatory post-race binge....well-deserved, me thinks.  :-)

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