Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Monday, October 28, 2013

Garbage In, Garbage Out

If I eat junk food and have a workout the next day, I feel a significant difference in the way my body responds to exercise.  I'm sluggish, tired and run out of energy very quickly. -- Josie Loren

It has been a crazy couple of days in the TriMom household - OK, let's be realistic, it's always a little bit crazy in the TriMom household, but usually the crazy is kept to a manageable level.  Not so much of late.  And unfortunately, due to the crazy and the stress of the crazy, I have not been eating as well as I normally do.  And it shows.

There's an old computer program science principle GIGO, or Garbage In, Garbage Out.  The idea is pretty much whatever you put in, especially if you don't think carefully about what you put in, is likely to result in stupid or bad results.  The human body is pretty much like a computer - you put in crap, nothing good comes of it.  And it's not just that my body feels icky (which it does - I can totally tell that my stomach is not happy about what I ate the last couple days), but my mind feels icky too.  I'm rather short-tempered and not able to think or focus as well as normal.  It would be easy to blame the crazy, but I really truly believe that my focus and mood are much better when I eat better.  I need to re-commit to taking care of what goes in so that only good stuff comes out.

On a higher note, my kids are awesome.  This weekend was the Call Federal Marathon Jr. kids races.

My younger daughter ran the 1-miler, came in 9th of 92 in her age group, and took about a minute off her mile PR time.  My older daughter ran the 2-miler and was 3rd overall girl.  These two monkeys truly inspire me.  So I should stop eating garbage.

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