Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.  -- Joyce Meyer

Apparently this stress fracture thing is going to require patience -- something that is in short supply and going quite quickly.  I'm not sure I have the patience necessary to make it through the next 4 weeks or so.  And even though this song rocks, it is unlikely Guns N' Roses will help with my drama.

So - an injury update.  I saw the ortho last Thursday and he said it is probably a stress fracture.  Still a tentative diagnosis, but I feel like he moved the dial from "maybe" to "likely."  But even if it was a soft tissue injury, he said he'd treat it the same no point in doing further diagnostics until 4 more weeks and if it isn't healing.  In the meantime, here's my newest fashion accessory:

I hear all the hottest models are going to wear them at Fall Fashion Week this year.  NOT.  Oddly enough, it is the most comfortable to wear if I have a heeled shoe on my other foot since the bottom of the boot is elevated.  So yeah - one high-heel, one fugly boot.  And I was planning on paying more attention to my appearance this fall (since I got way sucked into Stitchfix).

The boot is for comfort - it's a heck of a lot better than the crutches.  I'm supposed to wear it until it doesn't hurt to walk.  Well...that's where the patience part is wearing thin ALREADY.  The doc said I could row, swim (without kicking), and bike if it didn't hurt.  Well.  Yeah.  Rowing sucks.  I did 30 minutes rowing machine and then lifted weights on Monday- my first day back doing anything.

On Monday we also bought a new road bike for me.  I haven't named her yet - but she's pretty.  She's a 2015 Felt ZW-95.

Even though Iron Sherpa joked that it was a consolation prize to make me feel better for the DNF, the real reason is that the 9-year-old triathlete in my house has outgrown the biggest kid road bike and needs to move to a full-size.  So we're giving her Baby and I get the new one.  Yeah!

Unfortunately, I tried to ride the new bike on the trainer on Tuesday, but that hurt my foot.  Drats.  So biking is out for a little longer.

This morning I went swimming.  The good news is I finally learned to unconsciously kick to keep my body alignment right...but kicking hurts.  So swimming will be a challenge too.  I think I'll try again on Friday but use a pull buoy the whole workout.  Ugh.

OK - I promise.  This is my last whiny post.  Next time I'll have positive things to say about my stupid foot.  Or about something completely unrelated to my foot.  :)

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