Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cram Time

When it's finals week and you've been studying for five hours straight, you need three things to get you through the night.  The biggest Slurpee you can find - half cherry, half Coke.  Pajama pants, the kind that have been washed so many times they are tissue-paper thin.  And finally, dance breaks.  Lots of dance breaks.  -- Jenny Han

Everyone knows that the last few weeks of a semester for a college student are sheer craziness.  What most people don't realize is that it is just as nuts for professors...and our insanity doesn't stop when finals are over, because then we get to grade.  Not complaining, I love my job - really, it's the best job in the world.  But my blogging is suffering due to my real life.  :)

I'm not going to resort to the Slurpee, because 1) Slurpees are nasty and 2) I'm kind of trying to stay away from the processed, refined, and blue-tinted sugar, but it is highly likely that I will be wearing pajama pants while I engage in frequent dance breaks.

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