Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Good Morning, Beautiful

I don't ask for the meaning of the song of a bird or the rising of the sun on a misty morning.  There they are, and they are beautiful.  -- Pete Hamill

Traveling again - this morning I'm in Florida.  It was a beautiful misty sunrise and I had a great run.  Actually, the sun wasn't up yet when I ran - I took these pictures after I got and water on my balcony...but the run was great (and misty and humid and a welcome change after running in winter or on the treadmill the last month).

I've talked before about how packing is a challenge for these business trips - how do you fit in all of your running gear (and I brought along some swim clothes too...just in case) and still have room for conference clothes?  I have found that many people nod their heads when I make this comment...but then half of them are like, "but I never use it anyway..."   This is so strange to me - one, because obviously I'm becoming a little compulsive about training (for good reason), but two, because I just love to run somewhere else.  I can run the routes by my house in my sleep.  On long runs, I don't really need my Garmin to tell me it's been 4 miles and it's time for a gel, because I know where 4 miles is going in at least 6 different directions.  It is such a joy to be somewhere where I don't know what's around the corner - and in fact this morning, it was a little dark and I had no idea what was around the corner, which was a little scary and a lot interesting.  Thankfully it was dark so I didn't see any snakes, except for the squished one I saw on the road by a trolley stop.  If I would have seen a live one, then maybe I wouldn't be waxing so poetic about running in soupy Florida weather.

Traveling is hard and it's hard on my training and it's hard on my body.  But it is so good for my mind when I get to stretch my legs somewhere new.

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