Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Shooting for the Stars!

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. -- William Shakespeare

OK, so the stars may not hold my destiny, but I am going to be shooting for the stars.  This past weekend we ordered Chinese food and I got the following must be a sign, right?

(In case you were wondering, the other side teaches me how to say "fish" in Chinese - very useful.)  The fortune may not have much to do with it, but I decided it was time to make it real.  'Cause you know, when you say something out loud, it becomes real - remember?  And when you pay the big-ass entry fee, it gets even MORE real.  As Captain Jean-Luc Picard says, it was time to make it so... of this morning, I am officially registered for IM Louisville 2014.

Bring it on, baby!  I'm heading for the stars and getting ready to rock my destiny.

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