Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Training 3/24 - 3/30...and a little mom brag

Being a mom has made me so tired.  And so happy. -- Tina Fey

It's been a tiring week.  I've felt weary pretty much all week.  I know a lot of it has to do with the long work hours I was pulling (due to my own procrastination, I know) and the stress that goes along with that.  And I am probably too old to have nights where I only get 3 1/2 hours of sleep.  Especially if I'm training like the machine I hope to be.  And dealing with the kids has been a challenge -- spring break last week, a snow day on Monday, and then Friday off for Good Friday.  Hubby has helped out, but I'm tired of them, they're tired of me, and they're tired of each other...and they have Easter Monday off too.  Goodness.

But the girls have also made me so proud.  Today the entire family ran a low-key 5K near our house -- and everyone but me set a PR (I ran with the little one...maybe I had a PR in me too?  Probably not, but I could have done pretty well based on how good it felt and how easy the course is.)  Anyway, the 8 year old took 3 minutes off her time, going from 38:xx to 35:xx and the 11 year old took about a minute off her time, going from 29:xx to 28:xx.  On top of that, the little one got 2nd in her age group (10 and under girls)...out of three entrants, but still - good for her!  And the older got 3rd in her age group (11-14 girls) out of ten entrants.  When they're not fighting with each other, my kids rock.  :)  (Not to leave him out, hubby also set a PR.)

I think that it is a good thing to have the girls run races.  They don't always get awards, but they get something so much more -- a competitive spirit, mental strength, physical perseverance.  I hope my girls will always have an urge to occasionally go run a 5K or do a triathlon.  But even if they don't, for right now, when they do races because I make them, they make me so happy!

Sunday 3/24 - 3.95 mile run
Monday 3/25 - masters swim
Tuesday 3/26 - 53 minute cycle, 2.3 mile run
Wednesday 3/27 - 70 minute cycle
Thursday 3/28 - 3 mile run, 35 minute swim
Friday 3/29 - 80 minute cycle, 55 minute swim
Saturday 3/30 - REST, 5K run with younger daughter

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