Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Training 2/24 - 3/2 ... and thoughts on eating on the run

One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.  -- Luciano Pavarotti

Or do we?  On my long runs and long bike rides, I don't stop what I'm doing -- instead, I need to figure out how to get calories in without stopping.  The food has to be easy to eat and easy to digest and ideally energy dense.  I'm experimenting a bit now with what I'm eating on the run (and before).  I generally eat a Lara Bar before I go for a long run.  I don't usually need to wait more than 20 minutes or so before heading out.  Lara Bars are bars made with nuts and fruit - less processed than most granola bars and all of the ingredients are real food.  I'm a big fan.

On the run, I have not been so picky.  Until recently, I've been using Power Bar Energy Blasts - little gummy chews with liquid centers.  Of course, these are highly processed and full of crap I can't pronounce -- but most of the energy food market is like that.  (I used to use Gu gels, but those are messy as heck and kinda gross in texture...the gummy chews take care of both of those issues.)  But as I'm trying to eat cleaner, I've been looking for other alternatives that are easy to carry, digest, etc.  My last 2 runs I've brought along a GoGoSqueez pouch of applesauce -- these are baby food.  The ingredients are all real food and the pouch is easy to use.  My only gripe so far is that they are heavy - I need to find a better way to carry them than in my pocket where it bounces too much.

Another thing I use is Nuun - it is a tablet you drop into water that adds electrolytes without all the crap that Gatorade also includes, like sugar.  It gives a little fizz too, which makes drinking more fun.

Enough about eating on the run - it is, like so much of my life right now, an experiment in progress.

This past week's training sessions went well (as did today's run...but that goes on next week's training recap!):

Sunday 2/24 - 6.78 mile run
Monday 2/25 - 30 minute cycle, masters swim
Tuesday 2/26 - 3 mile run, 20 minute cycle
Wednesday 2/27 - 5 mile run, masters swim
Thursday 2/28 - REST
Friday 3/1 - 48 minute cycle, 3 mile run
Saturday 3/2 - 45 minute swim, 75 minute cycle

1 comment:

  1. I like the power bar energy blasts, but when I've tried them running, I almost choked, twice. Baby food is not a bad idea...
