Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
-- Omar N. Bradley

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Training 3/31 - 4/6...and ready for dropback week

If there is time to reflect, slowing down is likely to be a good idea.  -- Daniel Kahneman

The way most training programs are set up is that you build for 3 weeks, then drop back for a few weeks -- lighter training volume, less intense training, sometimes both.  I've just built for the last three weeks, so this coming week is a drop back week - which is convenient, since I'm traveling the end of the week.  Short workouts are easier to squeeze in on the road.

I felt really strong this past week, particularly my running.  I'm actually starting to see glimpses of my old younger, faster self.  I'm pretty excited about this.  It almost makes up for the disappointment I have with my slow progress on the bike.

I guess part of the deal with the bike is that I'm riding some really hilly routes and for some reason, it is really flipping windy right now.  Ridiculously so.  Maybe if I was riding a more rolling route or on a calmer day?  Or a flatter course on a calm day?  That would be awesome, but what about race day?  OK, so I will know the routes for the races/rides beforehand - and none are supposed to be terribly hilly (except for the sprint tri I'm doing in July which has one idiotic stupid hill at the turnaround point - I've done that race before and am well aware of the hill).  But it could very well be crazy windy?  (Or rainy, since I bring the rain when I race!)

I realizing I just have to keep at it.  Just keep swimming.  Just keep riding.  Just keep running.  Strive.

Sunday 3/31- 5.16 mile run
Monday 4/1 - 62 minute cycle (stationary)
Tuesday 4/2 - 2.54 mile run, 33 minute swim
Wednesday 4/3 - 75 cycle (stationary), masters swim
Thursday 4/4 - REST
Friday 4/5 - 3.38 mile run, 35 minute swim
Saturday 4/6 - 4.18 mile run, 63 minute cycle

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